Monday, October 23, 2006

Another year ahead

I have been back almost 2 months.This is the 8th weeks.So many things happen but as usual,classes going on.Life is busy.But recenlty is quite lucky because we had a lot of holiday in between.But today is the last holiday until the next one--- after our microbiology and russian exam.

Always thinking,what can i do to persuade myself i am good enough?What can i do to make myself more confident?May be i do know the answer,may be i dont.But life still need to go,just make sure i live as i wish.:)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Holiday Mood

Holiday and holiday,now i felt i am really in holiday mood.I was so depressed feeling that wasting my time doing nothing useful when i first came back.Now i am currently very happy with my holiday.Yeah yeah.hope it will continue to be like that.Cheers.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

3rd day

I am home for 3rd day.Nothing much have been done.3 days gain o.5kg.That's horrible.Hmmm,how am i going to spend my summer holiday for 2 months.Hopefully it's a memorable one.:)

Monday, July 03, 2006

Home on time.Yahoo!!!!

I am home in Tanah Merah now.Yes,i manage to get home in time.Everyone is so happy.we all went for dinner right after i touched down.We had Shark fin and "leng pan",great.Some of my things leak n break,so sad over it,but what to do can't be doing anything also.Hope to meet up all my friends who are now in TM,especially Wen Li,Chuey n Pin yong.
I am going to zzz now.good night.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

one more week to go

One more week to Physiology paper,how a human body function.That's interesting to know but not to memorise every single phase that happen in human.He he,anyway no choice but to memorise them.Happy birthday to my best friend-Sue Nee.Hope she had a wonderful birthday.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Midst of exam atmosphere

Wow,it has been ages since my last blog,20 of May.Now in midst of exam atmosphere,exam coming in 10 days time.I am now tensed up.worrying cannot finish studying.i salute all those who can stay awake and need only few days to "eat up"the whole semester material.
I started my revision last monday,almost a week but the progression is really slow,am i not concentrate?am i lazy?am i dreaming?Oppps,must find out the reason that drag me back.
Today is Tiong Eng's Birthday.How's he doing there?Hopefully fine.Best wishes to him.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Breakfast muffin

Yo,Good morning.I woke up too early.Went on line,sufring.i found an easy recipe to do-breakfast's nice of course.Method and ingredients as below:

Makes 12.
2 cups all purpose flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup white sugar
1 egg
1 cup milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil


Preheat oven to 205°C. In a mixing bowl, sieve together the flour, baking powder and salt, and then add the sugar. Form a well in the middle of the mixture.In another bowl, gently beat the egg with a fork. Blend well with the milk and oil. Then pour the egg mixture into the well made in the flour mixture.Gently fold the mixture until it just comes together – do not over mix. The batter should still be lumpy. Pour into greased muffin moulds and bake for 25 minutes until well-risen and golden brown in colour.

Try these out :)!!!!

Life is short

Thursday early morning,get to know a sad new.My friend's dad passed away in an accident.Died in the spot.I was so shocked,until now i couldn't accept this fact.Life's short.Don't waste time being too calculative and must be happy.Life is only once,make full use of it.Life needs to proceed no matter how.Why can't we choose a happier one to leave on?Cheers.
I received an email from Pin Yong.Surprise and happy.He really cared.thanks.