Thursday, July 06, 2006

3rd day

I am home for 3rd day.Nothing much have been done.3 days gain o.5kg.That's horrible.Hmmm,how am i going to spend my summer holiday for 2 months.Hopefully it's a memorable one.:)

Monday, July 03, 2006

Home on time.Yahoo!!!!

I am home in Tanah Merah now.Yes,i manage to get home in time.Everyone is so happy.we all went for dinner right after i touched down.We had Shark fin and "leng pan",great.Some of my things leak n break,so sad over it,but what to do can't be doing anything also.Hope to meet up all my friends who are now in TM,especially Wen Li,Chuey n Pin yong.
I am going to zzz now.good night.