Friday, February 24, 2006

Going Aerobic

Amazingly,i am going aerobic for the first time.Ha ha,diet plan,being perfect.i know is hard but at least i wished myself be as discipline as i can :).

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Jet Lag

Waking up at this hour for the last few days due to jet lag.I knew i can't do anything else except continue sleeping,if i do something else i will wake others up.
Going to continue zzz,in case wake ivy baby up :p.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Back to Ukraine

Back to Ukraine.Happy?Sad?Don't know.Have been busy since the day i came back,busy unpacking,busy attending class.Finally today Friday,have time to blog.
Of course i miss mimi for the whole holiday,but though like that i never looking forward to come back here:(,simply because it's Ukraine.
Now i definetely agree with Ivy baby that we need to go back twice a year to avoid losing our ownself.I understand what she meant by saying that.Continue to be here,we will forget how kind human being are.But i am pretty lucky,the person around me are kind.Winks winks.I am the luckiest one.
Back on valentine day,everybody else got their dinner and rose from the one they love.ME?Nothing.Ha ha.But i got a cheese cake from mimi,supposed to be a heart shape,end up it become a cat face.Ha ha,it represented him- mimi cat.
Missing home a lot of course.My mummy called me yesterday,has been talking to them for the last few days.I chatted with my mummy for more than 30 minutes.My mummy really "sayang" me a lot.I have the world greatest mum.I am sure i do.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Funny feeling

Hmmm,don't know how to describe the feeling.Stomach ache,not feeling good,partly because of aunty visit,and most probably because going back soon.Can i not go back?I am asking a question that i knew the answer,i couldn't stay here forever,i need to proceed.
I just finish reading mimi's blog.ha ha,i don't know what is my feeling.Obviously don't know how to describe the feeling again.Not feeling good and not really bad as well.I am writing something pointless.
That's all.Stomach pain.Going off line soon.Hope that he will be doing fine.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Silly Vinvie baby felt the warmed and happiness as i do.She is great roomate and friend and i have.Funny.


Here i come melaka today.What am i going to eat?Bat kut teh?Chicken rice?Satay celuk?Hmmm.I don't know.

Being pampered

According to chinese horoscope,people who born in pig year going to have peach blossom this year,and will be pampared by others.I guess this is quite true,not about the peach blossom thingy but about being pampered .I am sure i am.
Today 2 of my friend came to see me.Sue Nee came all the way from Puchong to BU just to see me.Today she is on leave,she rather take the trouble to see me but not staying at home.I think she took almost 3 hours to travel from Puchong to BU.I am really so touched.Thank her for being such a great friend.
At night,having dinner with Anthony,ivy baby and her mum.It's a yummy yummy dinner too.After that Teng Loon called me,he said that he just finished working.Coming to BU to see me at 11.30pm.My mummy was nagging,didn't let me out so late at night.So kind of baby girl and her mummy offering me to stay at their house.But i don't think is good.So troublesomn.I decide to sms him and told him not to come,because my mummy doesn't let me out.I was so surprised he called back and he said he just came to my uncle house just to see me.We are not going out.I am so touched,happy.Really happy.The happiness which can't be describe by words.I don't knowwhy and how he can do that for me.Driving all the way from old klang road to BU just to see me.for not more than 1 to 2 hours.He arrived home.Chen Ming just called me,they arrived home not long ago.
Feeling so great to be pampered like that.I am really happy with this meeting.Thank u for being such a kind and understanding friend.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I am in KL now.Didn't go shopping today,today went to eat "yong tau fu" in Ampang.Very nice and delicious.After that met Zoey's dad in front of Ranjit Singh specialist centre.My mum and i went to see doctor,he charged me Rm100 for a bottle of Lotion.I cost my mummy wallet a hole. :(
Evening time went to Cheras to Alvin's house,had dinner with his family.Superb dinner but how i wished he is around too :(.
Sleepy now.Going to zzzzz.
Hope my pet is doing well far in Simferopol,eating well,living well and studying of course.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


I have been back more than a week.Nothing much have i done,basically eating and gatherng with my friends and also my lovely family of course.My younger sister and elder sister going back tomorrow my flight.Time flies.
I am going to KL tomorrow night by train.Nothing much to do in Kl,basically wasting my dad nad mum money again.Ha ha.
Ok,that's all.No time to blog.Going out for dinner now.