Friday, January 27, 2006

Home sweet home

Home-is the warmest place,this is the fact that will never change.I am home for new year,i hasn't be home for new year for the last 2 year.It seemed like i always here for new year but actually not,a lot of things which mum practising,i don't know :(.
I miss him of course,has been worried bout him,trying to sms him he never reply,i am pretty happy that he replied all my sms last few days,but today he only reply once,i am worried he is sick and nobody take care of him. :(,Wish that he is alright.

Chinese New Year Eve

Last day of "phoenix" year,a new year resolution,i think i better don't have it.I supposed to tell myself what i am going to do and not what am i supposed to do.
Sorry,last post was a bit in rush,rushing to railway station to get a train back to Kel.i didn't blog for ages.So many things to say,don't know where to start.
Last tuesday until this just past tuesday,had been a hectic,stressed week,for me.I don't know how to describe by words.Forever i won't forget who really cared about me,i am the luckiest person to have them around me.I am, i know i am,GOD really treat me well.
Thank you everyone.I love you all so much.
H-A-P-P-Y C-H-I-N-E-S-E N-E-W Y-E-AR!!!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Back In Malaysia,finally!!!!

Yes,finally i am home after almost a month of torturing of exam.I have no idea about everybody else think about this state exam but for me it's really a relief.I passed my Anatomy and Histology finally.It's really hard time.I shall promise myself that i will work harder next semester so i won't be repeat my "MISTAKE" again.WInks winks,must keep my promise.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Histology-Another Battle

Histology-Another battle to go before home.I must start studying today.i have been doing nothing since yesterday evening.I don't want myself to regret again.Wish me luck.

Bye bye to Anatomy

Relief,relief and it's a relief.I don't know what else can say beside that.Crying and crying right after finish answering,i scared i would have failed,but god blessed me.I am passed.I passed my anatomy with a 3.I am lucky.I am pretty lucky.Reallly thank god.I didn't even turn up to collect my result.Mimi and CH help me to collect it.I was so.....helpless in ivy's room.I can't fall asleep,i can't do anything.
Of course beside GOD,I am lucky to have Zoey,Alison,Ivy,CH and Alvin around.If not,i will just freak myself up.Thank you.Of course my lovely sister as well,who are so far away in Malaysia.Busying sms me.
Especially Ivy baby,Thank u and sorry to make u worry by phoning you and start crying.Thank u.