Friday, January 27, 2006

Chinese New Year Eve

Last day of "phoenix" year,a new year resolution,i think i better don't have it.I supposed to tell myself what i am going to do and not what am i supposed to do.
Sorry,last post was a bit in rush,rushing to railway station to get a train back to Kel.i didn't blog for ages.So many things to say,don't know where to start.
Last tuesday until this just past tuesday,had been a hectic,stressed week,for me.I don't know how to describe by words.Forever i won't forget who really cared about me,i am the luckiest person to have them around me.I am, i know i am,GOD really treat me well.
Thank you everyone.I love you all so much.
H-A-P-P-Y C-H-I-N-E-S-E N-E-W Y-E-AR!!!!!

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