Sunday, May 07, 2006

Back From Egypt

Outside is cold,i wish i am in Egypt now.Just arrived this morning 4.04am,it's still dark when we arrived.Anyway fun to be back to Ukraine,can see everybody i miss.I miss them a lot.i just wished that they could be there with me,i would have more fun.Obviously i had much fun,but with them i sure will have more.
Arrive home,so sweet of CH.Change my bed sheet for me.Not to denied,i am having 2 great housemates.When i went home for winter,mimi mao also did the same-changing bed sheet.I am lucky :).Ch not only changing the bedsheet.He made one big tupperware of Jelly,he cook porridge for breakfast and he painted the kitchen.He decorated the house as well.I would say i am lucky.Thank him for being such a great housemate and friend to me.Felt so warmed and so touched in heart.Warmed and touched that words can't descibe.
About this trip,I had fun,i would go back to Egypt by chance.this time i wish i can go with Ivy they all.I am pretty sure she will like it.That place is not as dessert as we thought.The place is quite modern,and the most fabulous thing is living standard is low.So can eat and shop as we wished,but i didn't buy much things.Not even the most famous "PAPYRUS" from Egpyt.Regret now.No choice,what to do,too late to regret.
My roommate for past a week-Cheryl- is really a "powerful" girl,she is really good in taking care of ppl and she is very alert-"seng muk".Thanks her for taking well care of me for the last whole weeks in Egpyt.This trip changed my point of view of Cheryl which i known before this,great......A lot of things which she done for me is really out of my expectation.Thank u,Chan Suk.
I better stop now,going to zzz.Later going to see all the people i miss the most.Yeah!!!!

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