Monday, August 29, 2005

Time Flies....

These are my betest buds who made themselves free and available to meet me up.Thank you them.I felt really grateful.Thousands and millions thank you with cannot be described my words.

This holiday i did nothing useful.Sleeping and eating is my "occupation".Today has been sleeping for the whole day because not feeling well.I think i am emotinal sickness.I felt heachahe,stomach ache and pain in most part of the body.I think this most probably because of going back too soon. I ate Keropok which came all the way from Terengganu which gave by Ma Ney's cousin,yummy..yummy...after a really long nap.

Uncle Anthony went off to Netherland,I felt bad not in time to call him to bid farewell.Only can wish him all the best in future undertaking.

Time flies,a lot of things i am supposed to do i didn't.Example meeting all the people i should,really wish that time can go back.

1 comment:

Vinvie said...

haha...i am here to kaypoh since i had nothing better to do...
finally u got urself a blog....
so cute the photo..u look like dai jie da.coz u r the only gal..haha