Wednesday, December 07, 2005


L-o-V-e!What is that?I don't know,i have no experience in that.Family love i knew,friendship i knew,others i have no idea....
Suddenly realise a lot of things,love is not easy.Tear?Quarrel?Fun?Joy?Why and how?What and who?Which and?????
Yesterday i finally finish my Histology first exam.Finally,thanks for CH,my main consultant,who help me to study in in less than 2 hours for a topic.Thank you.Thank you.
Yesterday Eason,Jason,Jeffry and Wei Jie cook us dinner.I cook "bat kut teh" for them.Hoepfully it's delicious.I didn't try it because i am too full.
Recently nothing much,only been busy about EXAM and EXAM!!!
Ivy is not feeling well,hoep her get well soon.

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