Monday, October 23, 2006

Another year ahead

I have been back almost 2 months.This is the 8th weeks.So many things happen but as usual,classes going on.Life is busy.But recenlty is quite lucky because we had a lot of holiday in between.But today is the last holiday until the next one--- after our microbiology and russian exam.

Always thinking,what can i do to persuade myself i am good enough?What can i do to make myself more confident?May be i do know the answer,may be i dont.But life still need to go,just make sure i live as i wish.:)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Holiday Mood

Holiday and holiday,now i felt i am really in holiday mood.I was so depressed feeling that wasting my time doing nothing useful when i first came back.Now i am currently very happy with my holiday.Yeah yeah.hope it will continue to be like that.Cheers.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

3rd day

I am home for 3rd day.Nothing much have been done.3 days gain o.5kg.That's horrible.Hmmm,how am i going to spend my summer holiday for 2 months.Hopefully it's a memorable one.:)

Monday, July 03, 2006

Home on time.Yahoo!!!!

I am home in Tanah Merah now.Yes,i manage to get home in time.Everyone is so happy.we all went for dinner right after i touched down.We had Shark fin and "leng pan",great.Some of my things leak n break,so sad over it,but what to do can't be doing anything also.Hope to meet up all my friends who are now in TM,especially Wen Li,Chuey n Pin yong.
I am going to zzz now.good night.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

one more week to go

One more week to Physiology paper,how a human body function.That's interesting to know but not to memorise every single phase that happen in human.He he,anyway no choice but to memorise them.Happy birthday to my best friend-Sue Nee.Hope she had a wonderful birthday.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Midst of exam atmosphere

Wow,it has been ages since my last blog,20 of May.Now in midst of exam atmosphere,exam coming in 10 days time.I am now tensed up.worrying cannot finish studying.i salute all those who can stay awake and need only few days to "eat up"the whole semester material.
I started my revision last monday,almost a week but the progression is really slow,am i not concentrate?am i lazy?am i dreaming?Oppps,must find out the reason that drag me back.
Today is Tiong Eng's Birthday.How's he doing there?Hopefully fine.Best wishes to him.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Breakfast muffin

Yo,Good morning.I woke up too early.Went on line,sufring.i found an easy recipe to do-breakfast's nice of course.Method and ingredients as below:

Makes 12.
2 cups all purpose flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup white sugar
1 egg
1 cup milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil


Preheat oven to 205°C. In a mixing bowl, sieve together the flour, baking powder and salt, and then add the sugar. Form a well in the middle of the mixture.In another bowl, gently beat the egg with a fork. Blend well with the milk and oil. Then pour the egg mixture into the well made in the flour mixture.Gently fold the mixture until it just comes together – do not over mix. The batter should still be lumpy. Pour into greased muffin moulds and bake for 25 minutes until well-risen and golden brown in colour.

Try these out :)!!!!

Life is short

Thursday early morning,get to know a sad new.My friend's dad passed away in an accident.Died in the spot.I was so shocked,until now i couldn't accept this fact.Life's short.Don't waste time being too calculative and must be happy.Life is only once,make full use of it.Life needs to proceed no matter how.Why can't we choose a happier one to leave on?Cheers.
I received an email from Pin Yong.Surprise and happy.He really cared.thanks.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Back From Egypt

Outside is cold,i wish i am in Egypt now.Just arrived this morning 4.04am,it's still dark when we arrived.Anyway fun to be back to Ukraine,can see everybody i miss.I miss them a lot.i just wished that they could be there with me,i would have more fun.Obviously i had much fun,but with them i sure will have more.
Arrive home,so sweet of CH.Change my bed sheet for me.Not to denied,i am having 2 great housemates.When i went home for winter,mimi mao also did the same-changing bed sheet.I am lucky :).Ch not only changing the bedsheet.He made one big tupperware of Jelly,he cook porridge for breakfast and he painted the kitchen.He decorated the house as well.I would say i am lucky.Thank him for being such a great housemate and friend to me.Felt so warmed and so touched in heart.Warmed and touched that words can't descibe.
About this trip,I had fun,i would go back to Egypt by chance.this time i wish i can go with Ivy they all.I am pretty sure she will like it.That place is not as dessert as we thought.The place is quite modern,and the most fabulous thing is living standard is low.So can eat and shop as we wished,but i didn't buy much things.Not even the most famous "PAPYRUS" from Egpyt.Regret now.No choice,what to do,too late to regret.
My roommate for past a week-Cheryl- is really a "powerful" girl,she is really good in taking care of ppl and she is very alert-"seng muk".Thanks her for taking well care of me for the last whole weeks in Egpyt.This trip changed my point of view of Cheryl which i known before this,great......A lot of things which she done for me is really out of my expectation.Thank u,Chan Suk.
I better stop now,going to zzz.Later going to see all the people i miss the most.Yeah!!!!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Mood to Egypt

At this time,eating corn flakes n kiwi in milk.Weird,now already 5pm in the evening.Eating so called breakfast meal at this time.I am going to take train to "ZAPAROZIA" later,another state of Ukraine.From there,i will be going to Egypt,7 wonders of the world.Hmm,pratically not really excited,because not all my closet friends joining this trip.Anyway i am the luckiest one,get to go home in winter,now going Egypt,making hole at my daddy n mummy's pocket.Oppps..
I hope it will be a wonderful trip.Nothing much to write,later going to see Ivan singing in cultural hall.Today is Faculty day of our university.So let's party.Classes are all cancelled.Fun.
I am going to miss them.Here i come Egypt.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Easter,for a non christian,it's only another simple reason to get party again.Yesterday,Ivy,pinky,Vinvie,CH, Alvin and I was having egg party,all the dishes that we made were from eggs.Cool,pretty fun.I guess all those guys will think girls are crazy."Why can't we have a simple dinner?"Mr.Alvin was "complaintning".All these are what i like. I think for me life is short and all these will be memorable.
I think every easter we will still remember that we have this egg party before.Winks winks**

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Black out

Fainted...Wow i am currently 23,first time i fainted.Luckily Cheryl was there,if not i wouldn't know what would happen.Scary.Thank you Cheryl.The things that cross my mind at the moment,were what if i died at that time,i don't know what meaningful things i had done,i things absolutely none.I pray so hard,hoping that i won't faint.End up i still.Now phobia of excercise and eating less but i would still continue,no choice because still far from what i aim.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Realistic World

What would i say bout this world?I don't know how to survive in this world,my cousin told me to be strong,to be postive,i don't know how am i manage to survive. :(.I suddenly felt so inferior,i felt i am simply nobody.Must treat myseelf better,never forget i have a lovely family,they'll always be there for me.I must remember what i did,it will return,as in both good or bad way.'**

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Tulips-My Beloved

These are my tulips on women's day.Ivy,Vinvie,Alvin and Ch bought me tulips.Today weather is good,hope i am like that too.Sunny and bright.Cheers.

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My flowers "giver" and i,and of course my beloved-tulip of course.

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Friday, March 24, 2006


Indeed spring started very long ago,1st of March is the first day of spring.But emotionally i am not into spring.Today weather turning cold again,windy,cloudy,i don't like cloudy,it made people depressed.
Later i have biochemistry exam,instead of studying i rather blogging,this is bad.Too much so called feel just emerge no where i guess.I felt like i didn't see Ivy and baby girl for so long but actually we just went out together last weekend.Baby girl bought 3 pairs of jeans.:)Miss them a lot i guess :(.
So many things happened since we came back during valentine day.It is only 5 weeks but it seemed very long to me.I still like to be homed,being protected,nobody could bully me,nobody being fake and "snake".I wonder where do i want to stay next time,i couldn't stand people being fake,i think i need to stay in "GUA"ha ha!!!!!
Currently Ivy baby is doing fine and happy.I am so happy bout that.Vinvie-i think she is doing fine as well,just hoping that her wish to lose weight become true soon,as her wish.Myself,being more independent and more discipline yet to be achieve :(.
I hate myself why am i so emotionally,can't i be stronger and cope with all those nonesense.Can i just turn my heart into stone to prevent everything that hurt me.Now i need to proceed my way to finish my medical degree,not more than that.But is it so hard???

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Life's life.i still need to go on with strong and independent.i think i am less of both of them.Suddenly just became very dependent to everyone else but not myself.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Busy?Guess not?

I didn't blog for ages.Missing in the act.Doing nothing now,nothing to write at the moment.Went for gym yesterday.Was doing fine with that.Hope i could be what i wish.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Going Aerobic

Amazingly,i am going aerobic for the first time.Ha ha,diet plan,being perfect.i know is hard but at least i wished myself be as discipline as i can :).

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Jet Lag

Waking up at this hour for the last few days due to jet lag.I knew i can't do anything else except continue sleeping,if i do something else i will wake others up.
Going to continue zzz,in case wake ivy baby up :p.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Back to Ukraine

Back to Ukraine.Happy?Sad?Don't know.Have been busy since the day i came back,busy unpacking,busy attending class.Finally today Friday,have time to blog.
Of course i miss mimi for the whole holiday,but though like that i never looking forward to come back here:(,simply because it's Ukraine.
Now i definetely agree with Ivy baby that we need to go back twice a year to avoid losing our ownself.I understand what she meant by saying that.Continue to be here,we will forget how kind human being are.But i am pretty lucky,the person around me are kind.Winks winks.I am the luckiest one.
Back on valentine day,everybody else got their dinner and rose from the one they love.ME?Nothing.Ha ha.But i got a cheese cake from mimi,supposed to be a heart shape,end up it become a cat face.Ha ha,it represented him- mimi cat.
Missing home a lot of course.My mummy called me yesterday,has been talking to them for the last few days.I chatted with my mummy for more than 30 minutes.My mummy really "sayang" me a lot.I have the world greatest mum.I am sure i do.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Funny feeling

Hmmm,don't know how to describe the feeling.Stomach ache,not feeling good,partly because of aunty visit,and most probably because going back soon.Can i not go back?I am asking a question that i knew the answer,i couldn't stay here forever,i need to proceed.
I just finish reading mimi's blog.ha ha,i don't know what is my feeling.Obviously don't know how to describe the feeling again.Not feeling good and not really bad as well.I am writing something pointless.
That's all.Stomach pain.Going off line soon.Hope that he will be doing fine.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Silly Vinvie baby felt the warmed and happiness as i do.She is great roomate and friend and i have.Funny.


Here i come melaka today.What am i going to eat?Bat kut teh?Chicken rice?Satay celuk?Hmmm.I don't know.

Being pampered

According to chinese horoscope,people who born in pig year going to have peach blossom this year,and will be pampared by others.I guess this is quite true,not about the peach blossom thingy but about being pampered .I am sure i am.
Today 2 of my friend came to see me.Sue Nee came all the way from Puchong to BU just to see me.Today she is on leave,she rather take the trouble to see me but not staying at home.I think she took almost 3 hours to travel from Puchong to BU.I am really so touched.Thank her for being such a great friend.
At night,having dinner with Anthony,ivy baby and her mum.It's a yummy yummy dinner too.After that Teng Loon called me,he said that he just finished working.Coming to BU to see me at 11.30pm.My mummy was nagging,didn't let me out so late at night.So kind of baby girl and her mummy offering me to stay at their house.But i don't think is good.So troublesomn.I decide to sms him and told him not to come,because my mummy doesn't let me out.I was so surprised he called back and he said he just came to my uncle house just to see me.We are not going out.I am so touched,happy.Really happy.The happiness which can't be describe by words.I don't knowwhy and how he can do that for me.Driving all the way from old klang road to BU just to see me.for not more than 1 to 2 hours.He arrived home.Chen Ming just called me,they arrived home not long ago.
Feeling so great to be pampered like that.I am really happy with this meeting.Thank u for being such a kind and understanding friend.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I am in KL now.Didn't go shopping today,today went to eat "yong tau fu" in Ampang.Very nice and delicious.After that met Zoey's dad in front of Ranjit Singh specialist centre.My mum and i went to see doctor,he charged me Rm100 for a bottle of Lotion.I cost my mummy wallet a hole. :(
Evening time went to Cheras to Alvin's house,had dinner with his family.Superb dinner but how i wished he is around too :(.
Sleepy now.Going to zzzzz.
Hope my pet is doing well far in Simferopol,eating well,living well and studying of course.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


I have been back more than a week.Nothing much have i done,basically eating and gatherng with my friends and also my lovely family of course.My younger sister and elder sister going back tomorrow my flight.Time flies.
I am going to KL tomorrow night by train.Nothing much to do in Kl,basically wasting my dad nad mum money again.Ha ha.
Ok,that's all.No time to blog.Going out for dinner now.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Home sweet home

Home-is the warmest place,this is the fact that will never change.I am home for new year,i hasn't be home for new year for the last 2 year.It seemed like i always here for new year but actually not,a lot of things which mum practising,i don't know :(.
I miss him of course,has been worried bout him,trying to sms him he never reply,i am pretty happy that he replied all my sms last few days,but today he only reply once,i am worried he is sick and nobody take care of him. :(,Wish that he is alright.

Chinese New Year Eve

Last day of "phoenix" year,a new year resolution,i think i better don't have it.I supposed to tell myself what i am going to do and not what am i supposed to do.
Sorry,last post was a bit in rush,rushing to railway station to get a train back to Kel.i didn't blog for ages.So many things to say,don't know where to start.
Last tuesday until this just past tuesday,had been a hectic,stressed week,for me.I don't know how to describe by words.Forever i won't forget who really cared about me,i am the luckiest person to have them around me.I am, i know i am,GOD really treat me well.
Thank you everyone.I love you all so much.
H-A-P-P-Y C-H-I-N-E-S-E N-E-W Y-E-AR!!!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Back In Malaysia,finally!!!!

Yes,finally i am home after almost a month of torturing of exam.I have no idea about everybody else think about this state exam but for me it's really a relief.I passed my Anatomy and Histology finally.It's really hard time.I shall promise myself that i will work harder next semester so i won't be repeat my "MISTAKE" again.WInks winks,must keep my promise.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Histology-Another Battle

Histology-Another battle to go before home.I must start studying today.i have been doing nothing since yesterday evening.I don't want myself to regret again.Wish me luck.

Bye bye to Anatomy

Relief,relief and it's a relief.I don't know what else can say beside that.Crying and crying right after finish answering,i scared i would have failed,but god blessed me.I am passed.I passed my anatomy with a 3.I am lucky.I am pretty lucky.Reallly thank god.I didn't even turn up to collect my result.Mimi and CH help me to collect it.I was so.....helpless in ivy's room.I can't fall asleep,i can't do anything.
Of course beside GOD,I am lucky to have Zoey,Alison,Ivy,CH and Alvin around.If not,i will just freak myself up.Thank you.Of course my lovely sister as well,who are so far away in Malaysia.Busying sms me.
Especially Ivy baby,Thank u and sorry to make u worry by phoning you and start crying.Thank u.