Friday, November 18, 2005

Giving up?

I choose to be here.I insisted i want to be here.My mum who really loves me a lot putting down her pride to make sure i can be here.But now i suddenly felt that i have no energy to continue.Went for histology exam today,trying to clear my exams which accumlulated for almost a month.Alvin and CH already finish ages ago,I wish i could be like them.Or like Jeffry already finshed all his exams,Anatomy and Histology.He asked me a good question,why didn't i take the exam,how can i take without preparing it,didn't know how to answer.

Today the sir didn't let me pass,i never angry at him.I am so frustrated,can i do better?Do i have the ability to continue?Will i drop out anytime soon?I knew he never let me pass so easily because he wants me to do well.I felt bad too.I want to do well too.I don't know what is the problem with me.I really can't do better?I think i really phobia,i scared i will flung my state exam and need to transfer,need to retain.I don't want all these to happen.I have no energy,time doesn't allow me to do so too.

Tell me?what can i do?What can i do to help myself?

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