Saturday, November 19, 2005


Outside is raining again.The weather is quite cold.I am crying but this time not in heart.I really couldn't stop my tear running down my cheeks.Luckily nobody is here,Alvin went out,Ch went to his dreamland.
I check my mail,i saw an email from Ivy baby,no idea at all what is that about,purposely i didn't want to open it,i wanted to delete all my junk mails first.BUT opsss,when i deleted one of those mail,the email pop up.I started reading it,and couldn't stop my tear from running down my cheeks.I end up crying and crying and crying.I know i haven't been doing my best to be her best friend.I knew i could have be there whenever she needs me,but i think most of the time i was not there.I felt so bad about that.Really thanks her for that email which as long as an essay.I knew i am lucky to have them here.
May be i shouldn't have blog all these up.Making everyone who loves me and concerns about me worried a lot.Tiong Eng who are so far in Australia also has been worry and wrote me a very long email too.I think i should re read his email again and again and think about what his suggested.
Currently still feeling no energy to proceed but i know i need to,time doesn't allow to me stay.Times wait for no men.So i must be motivated and start working again.Thank u Tiong Eng,Thanks Ivy and Vinvie and of course never forget our "Dato" Eason.Thank you for loving me so much.

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